Monday, February 2, 2009

why carrots and olives??

Okay- so you are reading and wondering what the heck do carrots and olives have to do with food, love and sex in America?? I say they are my secret weapon - they help me stay on track with my diet and my complexion as well as a great combo of sweet and salt. The key is making it easy and enjoyable for you to enjoy. Buy the baby carrots, preferably organic, and green olives - I adore the jalapeno stuffed type.
I put my baby carrots in a small bowl with the olives and eat to my hearts content while fixing dinner. An awesome snack at work when you would rather have something sweet. These two together provide a healthy snack that actually controls your appetite. Try this for just ten days. They say it takes ten days to start a new habit so make the investment in you and let me know how it worked. Remember to have this snack while you cook dinner and you will notice satisfaction and you may eat less at dinner too. Up next...the nutrients in these two foods....

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